Woody Young
Audit; Nominating and Corporate Governance
Key Skills and Experience:
- Senior Leadership: Brings 30+ years of experience as an investment banker in the telecommunications and media industries, including in leadership roles at several global investment banks. Served as Co-Head of the Global Telecommunications, Media & Technology Group at Lazard before leading telecom and media at Perella Weinberg Partners, where he also served as the firm’s Chairman of Mergers and Acquisitions. Most recently, served as President of Solidigm where he directed finance, strategy, corporate development, human resources, legal, and IT functions.
- Telecom Expertise: Has vast experience in telecommunications and media, including leading the telecom groups at Perella Weinberg, Lazard, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers.
- Value Creation and M&A: Brings extensive experience having led many of the telecommunications industry’s most transformative transactions, including AT&T’s acquisitions of Time Warner ($109 billion), DirecTV ($67 billion), and BellSouth ($90 billion), Sprint’s $47 billion merger with Nextel Communications, Qwest Communications $22 billion sale to CenturyLink, and SBC’s acquisition of AT&T ($22 billion).
- Education: Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations, Brown University; Master’s Degree in International Relations, University of Cambridge; Master’s Degree in Public and Private Management, Yale School of Management.
Career Highlights:
- Solidigm (2022 – 2023)
- President
- Perella Weinberg Partners LLC (2016 – 2022)
- Partner
- Chairman, Mergers & Acquisitions
- Lazard Ltd. (2009 – 2015)
- Vice Chairman, U.S. Investment Banking
- Co-Head, Global Telecommunications, Media & Technology Group
- Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (2008 – 2009)
- Head, Global Technology, Media & Telecommunications Group
- Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. (1993 – 2007)
- Managing Director & Co-Head, Global Communications & Media Group
- Chairman, Senior Client Council
- The First Boston Corporation (1987 – 1993)
- Director, M&A Department
- White House Fellow (1991 – 1992)
- Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
Private Company Boards and Other Memberships:
- Solidigm (2022 – 2023)