
We consider good governance essential to driving our success and building long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders.
Frontier’s Public Policy Activities
Frontier actively participates in the U.S. political process to ensure that its interests as a telecommunications leader and large employer are appropriately represented.
Frontier maintains an oversight process to ensure that its political activities are conducted in a legal, ethical and transparent manner.

Frontier’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides further guidance to our employees on issues related to political involvement, doing business with the government, and political contributions.
Frontier’s Advocacy Activities
Frontier monitors relevant developments in the public policy process. Through its trade association, USTelecom, Frontier participates in advocacy activities.

Local Lobbying
Political Contributions
Federal election laws prohibit candidates from receiving corporate campaign contributions. Frontier currently does not operate a federal Political Action Committee and, therefore, does not make any political contributions to candidate committees for federal office. Further, Frontier’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics states that Frontier does not reimburse employees for political contributions.
Frontier does not use corporate funds to make any direct independent expenditures on behalf of candidates running for local, state, or federal office.