Frontier Wins ChannelVision Magazine’s 2022 Visionary Spotlight Award

ChannelVision Magazine award

We are taking an opportunity to pat ourselves on the back for winning ChannelVision Magazine’s 2022 Visionary Spotlight Awards. We were recognized in the Wholesale Broadband and Capacity category for our Hyper Bandwidth Ethernet.

It’s a mouthful of an award, but it’s an important one. Our Hyper Bandwidth Ethernet (HBE) is our next-generation network architecture that delivers the backbone and backhaul capabilities to support:

  • Building Gigabit America, including our goal of providing 10G (and beyond) to consumers via fiber to the home.
  • 5G wireless carrier deployments; and
  • The increasing surge in demand to connect more devices. Among them: digital voice assistants, smart appliances, and home security systems, in addition to connected cars, smart cities, and smart homes.

We’re among the first U.S. service providers to implement HBE speeds of 400 Gb and beyond, reaching major markets throughout our 25-state footprint. As demand rises throughout our 25-state footprint, HBE can easily adapt because its architecture is scalable.

We plan to roll out HBE services in more of our largest markets, ensuring customers with massive bandwidth demands – especially those in healthcare, finance, and education – have a competitive advantage. This marks the transformation of our wholesale business.

With HBE, back-end systems for switches, routers, and software will be upgraded from 10 gigabit links to 100 and even 400 gigabits links, increasing our network’s current capacity by 10 to 40x. Fast and precise provisioning, along with continuous monitoring that adapts to a customers’ needs, is a long-term strategic advantage.

HBE will allow a great deal of network equipment to be eliminated altogether or replaced by smaller, smarter, and more cost-effective devices. That lets us serve more customers more efficiently. It also results in fewer buildings, reduced operating costs, and power consumption – all reflecting our commitment to a more sustainable environment.

Our advanced technology is a key component in Building Gigabit America, and the ChannelVision award is a key milestone in differentiating our wholesale network capabilities as we become the industry’s Gigabit provider of choice.