2023 Sustainability Report

“Sustainability runs deep in our belief system and is central to our strategy. Our 2023 sustainability report shares how we’re transforming communities, organizations and businesses – and our company – as we Build Gigabit America.”
Nick Jeffery
President and Chief Executive Officer

2023 Sustainability Report Highlights
Our sustainability strategy is focused on delivering long-term value for our company and positive social and environmental impact for the people and communities we serve. Sustainability is integrated into all we do as a company and guided by our purpose, Building Gigabit America.

Transforming Together
Donated fiber internet to power four community-loved organizations
Opened the doors to our new Dallas headquarters.
Sourced 453 cost-saving ideas from employees, saving $38 million

Working Safely
Achieved our safest year ever
Decreased OSHA Recordable injury rate by 18% YoY
160+ hours of safety training per field employee

Growing Responsibly
Issued our first-ever green bond
Shared Scope 1 and Scope 2 data for the first time
Reduced over 1,600 tons of waste through recycling
Upgraded 1,587 trucks across our footprint